Saturday, May 8, 2010


"Staging" was pain in the butt, it's true, but there was also finishing the niggly little things that you never get around to that now had to be fixed. To be honest, most of the "nigglies" didn't have to be addressed but I wanted them finished.

When you spend so much time making a great home it would be remiss to leave silly little deficiencies for the new people to look at for years.

As it transpired, I was pretty happy with the way the place looked on the day of the open house. Tracy worked tirelessly to get the place looking its best and Tanner and I work equally as hard keeping each other occupied.

It probably would have been better to wait a couple of months as, those of you that know our street can attest to, our street looks way more appealing when the leaves are on the trees. But, as I said before, circumstances dictated an immediate sale.

A princely sum of $849,000 was decided upon and on the Wednesday before the Sunday (which was the "open") on the market it went.

You have to leave when there's an open house and unfortunately the "open" coincided with Tanners nap time. So we drove, and we drove, and we drove. To White Rock, it turned out, and a fun time was had by all. That would be everyone else in White Rock except us. Tanner was as miserable as sin. Who could've blamed him?

The "open" was finished at 4 and the house was sold by 7 and Tanner was asleep by 7:10.

Glad that day's over.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Before we can buy another home we have to sell our present abode. To facilitate this we have to "stage" our house. This is an acronym for Stuff, Take, Away, Get, Elephant or something like that. We had to get rid of a bunch of crap so that the potential new owners could visualize their crap where ours used to be.

Luckily, I had been unsuccesful in selling the cube van, although it didn't seem lucky at the time as we were getting pretty skint. On the other hand, if I were to analyze this even further, it would become apparent that selling the truck would have given us some breathing room and maybe "5930" (our new house) might have been sold by the time we started looking.

So stage we did, this entailed loading up the cube van with stuff from all ove the house and then moving it to an empty garage. This garage is also on the Sunshine Coast, Roberts Creek to be precise.

Never leave a couple of Karens in your house to help you "Stage" it. I know that eventually we would be leaving but that doesn't mean we need to empty the kitchen drawers of everyday cooking utensils. I'm sure that the new people can envisage their measuring spoons in a drawer without ours having to have been removed.

2 weeks before the open house and me vacuum packer has gone! WHAT'S A MAN TO DO?

It seemed to me that there was a lot of stuff gone already and once we got rid of all the furniture from the student rooms there wouldn't be too much stuff left. Really how much more stuff is there?

You know where this is going.


Well here we are, no posts for quite some time and so much has changed.

Circumstances dictated a major change, so our plans to move to the Sunshine Coast got, shall we say, accelerated, moved up, just a tad.

Not being one to harp on the whys or wherefores let me just say that it took only 2 trips to the Sunshine Coast before we found a place that we both decided was "the one".

All that was left to do was to pack and move.....