My chip pan fried its last fry this evening. My mum gave it to me 7 or so years ago, didn't give me the good chip pan, just the new one she bought that "didn't cook the chips properly (well your dad said they tasted different)".
Still, better than nothing.
Common sense says that 6 pounds of lard at a temperature close to the surface of the sun, is not a good thing to have on the stove with a kid around.
I know, I know, nothing untoward happened to me when I was a kid. I didn't reach across the flaming burner for the handle. But, I'm older than your average Pa so a lttle bit more over-protective I guess.
Still thinking about the lard? You can't cook chips in vegetable oil, it doesn't get hot enough.
My arteries are breathing a sigh of relief as I type.
The old chip pan is gone but not forgotten, it'll be doing come back appearances for chicken wings (outside on the barbeque).
Which, in itself is kind of sad. It's like a horse that won the Grand National pulling a float in the local carnival.
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