Not including rolling over on the living room floor and banging his head, constantly, for the first few weeks, or rolling of the sofa/bed/airplane seat. They're all self inflicted and.... there was no blood.
There has to be blood or else there's really nothing to cry about, right?
Although I did elbow my daughter on the nose when she was about 2 and a half. Off my elbow and headlong into my nan's sideboard, now that was an owee. Probably the only thing she remembers about me.
Anyway where was I? Oh yeah, we were playing with this.
I should've picked up on the satanic grin this toy has on it's face.
He was laying on his back mucking around with it when he started bawling. I had no idea why, so I picked him up with the usual "there, there"'s and he buried his head in my shoulder, drooling, and eventually the sobbing stopped.
With that, I thought we should go for a walk. It was a beautiful day and I thought a walk was in order. When we got to the corner of First Avenue and Commercial Drive I noticed that he had some dried up banana between his fingers so I reached for a Kleenex and started to clean his hands. That's when I noticed the red stuff on his fingers, doesn't look like yam? Oh oh, what's that red stuff on the rice cracker he's eating?
The penny dropped. I looked at his lip and there it was, an owee. Luckily I hadn't given him that pickled onion that he wanted because there would have been hell to pay.
I probably should've got tracy to photoshop his nostrils. He has a cold. What can I say?
Some readers might remember the first photograph I ever sent of Tanner. The referral picture from the orphanage. I scanned it and used all the filters in the scanner (I don't know why). Well, the dust filter removed one of his nostrils! So this picture at least confirms he has two. How he breathes through them? Who nose? That's a little pun right there.
In conclusion, a more attentive dad would've realized the stain on his T-shirt.....
(It's just below the many chins)
Wasn't drool, it was blood.
I hope the next 40,000 Owee's go better than this one.
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