Thursday, January 7, 2010

My boy has a phobia.

There were supposed to be photographs with this blog.

In fact this blog had a different name originally. It was called "Tanners first haircut".

But it turns out he has a phobia.

I haven't narrowed it down yet. It's not like an allergy where you can go and get tested, it's a matter of elimination.

Here's the things I have to eliminate:

1. Squirty bottles with water in them.

2. Combs

3. Middle-aged Vietnamese ladies wearing too much make-up and/or perfume.

4. Scissors. Not that they actually came near him, but they were extremely close by.

She said "come back later"

"okay" I replied

"six month time."

I'll try the old Italian guy in a couple of weeks.

Maybe there'll be photos.

1 comment:

French Village said...

Who could blame him?! Picture it...some stranger, paying way too much attention to you, with a sharp implement in their hand, special chair, bright lights, other "tools" within arms reach...I'm breaking out in a cold sweat just thinking about it!