Thursday, September 24, 2009

Farleys Rusks

I think I mentioned these in an earlier post.

They're awesome! I grew up eating these. When I say "I grew up" I mean that we never stop growing up, we're all kids at heart. To be truthful, I haven't had them for...... well, as long as it's been since there were baby bowls in my kitchen. But I still love 'em, oh yeah, they're gooood.

I have a friend (Annabel) whose family moved here some years ago from Ol' Blighty. She once told me that her dad, Ray, decided, probably at the behest of Annabel's mum, to import Farley Rusks for his kids.

I tried at the earliest opportunity to give Tanner F.R. but with no success. I realized that he didn't like milk. So I gave him a dry one. I should explain that there are big biscuits that melt readily into any liquid and also the gummy mouth of a 15 month old.

Tanner discovered today that chewed up FR on his hands becomes, well, a sort of cheerio velcro. Chew the rusk, get all the crap stuck to your hand and then place said hand into the conveniently placed pile of Cheerios. All that's left to do is suck the cheerios of your hand. Not helping his fine motor skills but what does he care?

1 comment:

Mike and Cheryl said...

OOOHHHH!!! This is a "must try" for Maelin ~ She'll LOVE this!!!! Won't be fun cleaning the "aftermath", but entertaining to watch her!!!