We established a routine for the rest of the week.
Tanner woke up whenever the hell he felt like it and I just had to deal with it.
But at 6:30 sharp we were always in the restaurant for breakfast. He would get a jar of baby food and I would have baked beans on toast or a fried egg in some of the freshest baguettes I have ever had. Or both. Oh, and a danish and a doughnut and a yoghurt and juice. C'mon, it's 6:30 Dairy queen doesn't open until 10!
We went for a stroll around the neighbourhood. Stumbled across the beijing swat team, no really, Bomb disposal stuff and everything. Look.
Saw a bunch of guys digging a ditch with a backhoe (JCB for the English) parked across the street. Why use diesel when there are people? Hey, that's almost a slogan.
Mike asked if I wanted to go to the market with them as Cheryl had some shopping to do. I told him I don't go shopping with tracy. I'm not going with someone else's wife :)
A couple more jaunts in the afternoon and that just about wraps up Monday.
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