Today we went to the park across the street. It was 4000 degrees in the shade and I think we were underwater. Even my tongue was sweating. It turned out to be the most stroller unfriendly park on the face of the planet so we ventured in about 200 yards and then headed back out again.
On our way there we used the subway to get to the other side of the road which is by far the best way to cross the street. There was no elevator so we had to carry Tanner and the stroller down the stairs and up the other side. The drivers are nuts, they don’t stop for anyone, not even little old ladies. I could probably get used to driving here, it might even be fun. But despite the mayhem I’ve only seen one accident. Maybe more surprisingly the streets are not littered with dead pedestrians.
On our way back we used the the “crosswalk”. I use the term loosely. Yes, there are black and white stripes on the road. Yes, there is a little green man. No, you can’t cross. In the middle of the road there is a huge piece of steel, like a 10” curb that you have to climb over before you can get to the other side. We had to lift the stroller over it and by then the little green man was flashing. We made it, the 80 year old woman behind us, I’m not so sure.
At 2:30 and 2 T-shirts later (time could be measured in t-shirt changes) we went to another government building to apply for Tanners passport. This was straightforward, they just needed to see us and our passports. Oh, and Tanner.
Tanner crashed at 6 and I had to drink the beer I bought on Tuesday because we are now leaving for Beijing on Thursday. I went to sleep at 9 and Trace went to the pool.
1 comment:
We discovered some not-too-bad Chinese beer in the Carrefour. What did you think? But even Heineken was relatively inexpensive, I think.
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